Sermon Outlines

Ever wish you had paid more attention in seminary? Struggling with preparing a sermon? GuideStone President O.S. Hawkins wants to help pastors with useful resources to help them as they serve the Lord.

With more than a quarter century of pastoral leadership, Hawkins makes available some of his most popular sermon outlines for pastors, Sunday school teachers and other Bible study leaders. These free resources can help you as you prepare your sermon or lesson each week.

In addition to these sermon outlines, Hawkins offers his video Weekly Staff Meetings with insights on some of the most common issues pastors and ministers face as well as a Podcast.

Coming to Christ

Coming to Christ

Friday, May 7, 2021 11:31 AM
Friday, May 7, 2021 11:31 AM


John 1:35-51

In these verses we find five different individuals who became followers of Christ. They had widely different temperaments. John was devoted and affectionate. Andrew was humble and practical. Peter was impulsive, the ultimate “type A” personality. Philip was often the skeptical type. And Nathaniel was meditative and contemplative. They picture for us the three ways people become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some come to Him through:

I. Pulpit proclamation (vv. 35-39)

Andrew and John were part of John the Baptist’s congregation. They sat under his anointed preaching and it pointed them to the Lord Jesus. Others come through:

II. Private visitation (vv. 43-44)

No one went to Philip. He was never in a preaching service. Nor did he ever read a gospel tract. The Lord Jesus appeared to him privately and bid him to follow. The Lord is still seeking to save the lost today. Here we see the Good Shepherd Himself going after the sheep. Finally, others come through:

III. Personal confrontation (vv. 40-42; vv. 45-51)

Some are confronted with the claims of Christ by family and others by friends. Peter came to the Lord due to the personal confrontation from his brother, Andrew. Andrew sought him, taught him and brought him to the Lord (vv. 41-42). Nathaniel came by the personal confrontation of a friend, Philip (vv. 45-51) who was wise enough not to argue but to press the claims of Christ and say come and see.

Yes, some come through pulpit proclamation, others through private visitation, but most through personal confrontation. Andrew found Peter. Philip found Nathaniel and thus the church has grown through the centuries. The most rapid and far-reaching results were achieved in one generation without the use of television, the Internet, air travel or any of our modern conveniences. The gospel still spreads lip to lip, life to life, person to person. Someone you know needs to know Jesus and needs to be encouraged to come and see.

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