O.S. Hawkins Videos

Looking for inspiration? Find helpful videos featuring GuideStone President and Author O.S. Hawkins as well as additional insight on some of Hawkins’ most beloved sermons by visiting the Books page.

Featured Videos

First Baptist Dallas: Criswell-His Life and Times

Southwestern Seminary August 24, 2023: The Question for Our Epoch of Christian Ministry


Times Square Church October 8, 2023: Who Do You Say That I Am?


First Baptist Fort Lauderdale Easter Sunday 2023"Easter's Bottom Line Question"

Weekly Staff Meetings


Sermons by O.S. Hawkins

Dr. O.S. Hawkins Sermon "A Received Ministry"

OS Hawkins

November 20, 2012

Dr. O.S. Hawkins delivers "A Received Ministry" from Acts 20:24 and 1 Corinthians 15:58 at Prestonwood Baptist Church.


Dr. O.S. Hawkins Sermon - First Baptist Carrollton

OS Hawkins

November 2, 2012

Dr. O.S. Hawkins delivers a sermon at First Baptist Carrollton.


Dr. O.S. Hawkins Sermon - Prestonwood Baptist Church

OS Hawkins

November 2, 2012

Dr. O.S. Hawkins brings a sermon to Prestonwood Baptist Church



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